
Live Well Affordably!

Live Well Affordably!          E: info@firstcarejamaica.com

FirstCare Medical


Congratulations, you are about to join the most affordable, comprehensive health services plan in Jamaica. Enjoy the many benefits of the Firstcare Medical plan!

Fill in the form below to sign up. You may use any of the payment methods shown below to pay. Once your payment is successful, you will receive a Welcome email with instructions to get your digital card. Once you get your card, you can use it right away.

Choose the membership plan that is right for you. There are three plan options: Firstcare Jamaica, for use only in Jamaica; Firstcare USA, for use only in the USA; and Firstcare Plus, for use in Jamaica and in the USA. Membership fees are charged monthly. Pricing includes all the benefits of the Firstcare you choose for each person you include on your plan.

You can use any of the following Payment Methods to pay for your FirstCare Membership:

Credit Card

Visa or MasterCard Credit Card.
Automatically pay your Membership per month, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.